Small Penis Humiliation Red Car Hierarchy
Is a four door red sedan, Red pick-up truck, Red crossover or Red SUV less likely to draw small penis humiliation because they are not a two door Red sports car? Or doesn’t the type of Red vehicle matter when it comes to small penis humiliation? Red Car Small Penis analyzed this and deduced that it doesn’t matter what type of Red vehicle it is, it’s Red and it means the male driver has a small penis. But perhaps women might not feel that the level of small penis humiliation should be as severe for a Red SUV as it should be for a Red Sports Car.
So now the Red Car Small Penis blog has ranked Red vehicles in the hierarchy of small penis humiliation. Red Sports Cars now rank first, followed by Red Sedans, followed by Red Pick-up Trucks, followed by Red SUVs and Crossovers. Red isn’t a popular SUV color anyway. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a Red SUV on the road, although I do see quite a few tricked out Red Jeeps tooting around, especially to the beach.
So the Red Car Small Penis Humiliation Hierarchy is:
1. Red Sports Car (2 door)
2. Red Sedan (4 door)
3. Red Pick-up truck
4. Red SUV, Crossover or 4×4
One of my friends commented that she thinks a Red Pick-up Truck should be ranked second on the Hierarchy of Small Penis Humiliation and that Red Sedans should be ranked third. I might have to give this some additional consideration as a Red Pick-up Truck is a total small penis compensation vehicle whereas a Red Sedan might not be so blatantly representative of small penis humiliation.