Small Penis Humiliation for Dummies
Ladies, have you been thinking about small penis humiliation, especially when you pull up at a traffic light next to some guy leering at you from his Red sports car? Well, you don’t need to think about small penis humiliation any longer. You need to take action and humiliate these small penis losers in their Red cars and put these dummies in their place. That is why I’ve developed a quick and easy guide right here on Red Car Small Penis called Small Penis Humiliation for Dummies.
When you spot a small penis loser in his red sports car, you should choose from the following:
1. Give him the small pinkie wave
2. Give him the loser L sign
3. Give him the small penis humiliation size sign (thumb and forefinger held close together)
4. Yell out “Red Car Small Penis!”
5. Get out your cell phone camera or digital camera and shoot a pic or two of the small penis driver and his Red car small penis ride and post it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or send it to me for my small penis humiliation blog
And just in case you are wondering if orange and yellow sports cars qualify for small penis humiliation, the answer is yes!